Saturday, May 26, 2012

Aaarrrgh! Another Year Gone Already?

We just want to say
A happy birthday to you
We hope you have a wonderful day
In whatever you may do
Know that God loves you so
And wants for you the 'best'
So look to Him each precious day
And know that you are blessed.

by M. S. Lowndes
found here

Happy Birthday to my now DS9!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Penguin Stampede--An Original Game by Dd6

My daughter is on a penguin kick. Today she made up a game to play. These are the instructions she made up herself. I left them in her words as much as I could (only modifying a couple things to make them more clear).


I made up a little game called " Penguin Stampede". 
Here are the instructions:
1. Roll your die. If you roll the highest number you go first.
2. Set up a line for start and finish.
3. Roll 2 dice. If on 1 die you roll a one, you waddle backwards as many tiny "penguin steps" as the number on the other die.
4. Roll 2 dice. If on both dice you roll a 1, then you don't move.
5. Roll 2 dice. If you don't roll a 1, then move forward as many tiny "penguin steps" as the number on the dice together.
6. After you roll and take your "penguin steps", the next person in line rolls the dice and waddles his "penguin steps".
7. Keep on rolling till someone gets to the finish. 

Tip: If someone yells, "penguin stampede", then everyone goes to start and his turn is over. You can only say, "penguin stampede" once in the game.

Did you like my game? If I gave you some ideas of a different game, then when you make it remember to tell me about it or at least how to play it. If you liked it then remember to play it a lot. Also remember to tell me if you liked my game or not.  

I thought that the game was exceptionally well thought-out. It was fun for her (and me, too)! These directions are her original plan with only two changes. I decided that we should limit "penguin stampede" to once per game (otherwise it could go on forever). She added the rule for rolling two ones, to add a twist to the game.