Thursday, December 29, 2011

One of the ways I get to enjoy Christmas break

High ratio of creamer to coffee, with a dollop of whipped cream for good measure.
Holly and jolly at the same time.

Monday, December 26, 2011

A bit out of the loop

Having spent many hours this Christmas season listening to different types of Christmas music, I've realized that I'm a bit out of the loop on "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas".

As a homeschool Mom I just can't relate to the line that "Moms and Dads can hardly wait for school to start again".

Not me! I'm enjoying my break from lesson planning and I prefer gathering around the table for a board game rather than for lesson time.

From our house to yours,
Have a very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Interviewing Skills

After learning about the steps of conducting good interviews the kids spent some time practicing conducting interviews with each other.

*Make an appointment.
*List questions.
*Collect materials.

*Introduce yourself. 
*Listen carefully and maintain eye contact.
*Take notes.
*Ask questions to clarify.

*Write the interview information in a way that can be shared.

I got to thinking how very many people we could interview, just for a short couple of minutes to start with. People have such interesting stories and we, as people, love to talk about ourselves, right? Interviewing is great practice in listening skills and writing key words so you can remember what was said later. 

I've heard socialization described as the ability to be a contributing member of society as a whole. This sounds like a step in that direction.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Happiness Is...

...having both your children (6 and 8 y.o.) in suspense as to whether Elizabeth and Darcy will *ever* get together!

I have to admit that I was never really all that crazy about abridged versions of literature. I may be changing my mind a bit.

There is a series of book/CD sets of abridged classics that we've been reading/listening to lately. We've done everything from Captains Courageous and Moby Dick to A Christmas Carol and Pride and Prejudice. The kids are loving it.

On the downside of abridged versions I always kind of thought it was "cheating" a bit not to read the original.

On the upside, these are very high-reading level classics that they are now familiar with. They know the basic story line which is just enlightening. I also hope that someday when they're presented with the originals they're able to follow the storyline better since they know where it's going.

Any thoughts on abridged versions?